ATI - 1337A Route du Petit Melmont RD N47 76480 ROUMARE

Tél : +33 (0) 2 35 91 05 50

EBP - Eponge de ponçage Flexible

Coated abrasives > Sanding sponge

Qualité des disquesQualité des disquesQualité des disquesQualité des disquesQualité des disques

Industrial quality

Sanding sponges are ideal for sanding painted surfaces and are load-resistant, allowing for high sanding coverage. Our sponges are comfortable, powerful and provide a great sanding experience in the palm of your hand. The sanding sponge The sanding sponge is perfect for dry or wet sanding.

Specially adapted : Stainless, Aluminium, Tempered steel, Spec. steel, Nonferrous steel, Construction steel, Steel

Here are the references for this product :

Reference DiameterGrain Unit price E.T

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